Tradurre: ένα ντοκιμαντέρ για τη Μετάφραση

Director: Pier Paolo Giarolo 
Producer: Outroad Di Pier Paolo Giarolo 
Genre: Documentary 
Produced In: 2008  

Synopsis: Translating tells about the journey of words from a language to another. Translators are used to face words, to follow their traces and force them into new spaces. Translators have to master not only a language but also what’s behind it: an entire culture and an idea of the world; that’s why we have asked ten translators to come with us in this journey through words and languages and take us to discover these worlds. Every language is a sound and the translator is a sort of musician. We find a musical instrument beside every language: conservatory students try to perform the same sheet of music translating the same melody into their own instrument. Language is also a mixture and the translator is a baker who prepares the bread everyday. In every country we can find different shapes of bread, made by the same ingredients. Language, like bread, is an alchemy we put on the table and eat everyday. To make this documentary, I put translators together with musicians and bakers. Each of them tells about an aspect of translating. The translator at his desk explains its deep sense, the musician with his own instrument makes us listen to the sound, the night baker reveals his mixture.

Source: Culture Unplugged


Δημοσίευση σχολίου

είναι ένα φιλομαθές ιστολόγιο που αγαπά τη μετάφραση, τη λογοτεχνία και τον ελληνικό πολιτισμό.